Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The first one...

So this is my first official blog entry. I have needed an outlet for my random thoughts and random venting spells and hazaa I have found my outlet. Today has left my head spinning in circles. Between trying to find a new home by December, figuring out whether my cousin Shelly will come to live with me, being upset and unwilling to do anything about my fatness and just everything else I am just dizzy. Tomorrow I plan to go to Phoenician Pines to check out the condos and get some price quotes. After looking into Phoenician Pines I have to call my "sweet" Grandmother and find out rock solid whether or not she wants to sign Shelly over to me. I also need to find out what kind of financial contribution she is willing to make because I know that adding another child means I need more bedrooms which means MORE money which means a need for more income. I'm hoping she will say that she can contribute 500 a month but I definitely think that is far fetched to say the least. I feel sort of funny offering to help out by taking Shelly into my home but then in the same sentence saying hey let me then make things difficult and ask for money. It's complicated. I do feel very strongly about Shelly living with me though. I can provide her the loving one on one environment that she needs. My kids love her and I know she loves them. I just really hope it all works out. Well that is it for the first blog...ttfn.

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