Monday, March 5, 2012

Feeling abandond

I know at times I can seem well...crazy. I'm very possesive of those that I love. Lately one of my friends has been MIA due to a new job and her tribe of beautiful children. I know that as an adult I need to be willing to share my friends but at times I still struggle with that especially when it's with a friend I rarely get the privelage to see. I'm feeling abandond. I know it's just my own insanity screwing with me but I really miss my time with this friend :(.

On a brighter note I have decided to make some changes in my life. One of these changes is working towards a degree! The other is getting healthy again. I have put on 40 pounds since leaving my husband and I feel disgusting. It's time for a change now I just have to get disaplined enough to make that change. UGH!

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